This is Lana, one of my loves. I just thought it would be interesting to talk about Lana because she is not like any other dog. She is more like a daughter for me. And she turned three last wednesday so this is like a gift to my little meatball since I can't be there to hug her. I bought her to my ex-girlfriend, Mah, as a lovely present for valentine's day and this beautiful dog changed my life since then. We raized her together, walking her every week early in the morning on sundays. Lana sometimes is the only thing that makes me smile because anytime I pick her up to a ride, she runs and barks so happily (most of times she also pees), that any problem I had vanishes away instantaneously. She also put me and my ex-girlfriend back together after fights many times just staring at us and pretending to be mad. I remember one time when I took her to my house and there was my other dog, a big and dangerous akita. So when I went to play with the akita for a while, I left Lana on the second floor of my house. When Lana saw me playing on the ground, she jumped. I got scared but somehow nothing happened to her.
It's been 18 months since we broke up but every time I'm home I have to see my puppy and play with her. She sometimes cries before I leave, I guess she misses me a lot but she is in very good hands, Mah is an excelent mommy and does everything Lana wants.
Hey, that was so touchy. I love animals too, but right now I really do not have enough time, so I can not get it. I actually like cats than dogs. My neighbors used to raise goats back in my country. I really liked to feed them, to go for walk with them. I cried a lot when those people cut them because it was part of the religion. Since, I am little afarid to have any animal because I will not like it if they die.