Tuesday, April 14, 2009


My friends from Brazil get mad when I tell americans that I really had 6 monkeys in my house in Brazil. Because, usually, Americans tend to think that Brazil is a huge jungle and people there live with lions and other wild animals. And it's good to say that nobody has monkeys in their houses, but I did! It was so much fun. We used to live near to a national park and they probably came from there. First it was only two, and because we had many trees and we feeded them, they became 6! They sometimes could come to my dad's hand. In Brazil, it's not allowed to have wild animals at home and that's why we never showed the monkeys to the local tv. It could have given us some complications.
I loved to wake up and hear the beautiful noises that they make asking for bananas.


  1. I agree with you that it is fun to watch them. In my country, You would not see them everywhere, but the places have more trees like my grandmother. I really miss to live there because we used to sleep on the terrace under the sky watching stars and moon. In the morning, when I woke up, I hear many birds voices, and once there were many monkeys on the terrace. First, I was scared becasue my aunt told me that they would bite you, but it was not like that. I gave them tortillas which they loved. I know most of the time, I saw them on Guava tree, there was a neighbor, she tried to plant guava for home use, and these monkey ate them all.
    OH! It was fun, you know once my cousins and I, we all had taken 10 to 15 guavas from the tree, and we she came out we pretended that we just saw monkey took them. You reminded me my country. Thank you.

  2. I think you are joking about monkeys.

  3. I think you are joking about monkeys.

  4. In my country we don't have a monkeys. You can seen them only in zoo!!!!!
